Join us on an amazing cruise from genesis to revelation at vacation bible school!

We invite you to join us on a cruise through the entire Bible during Vacation Bible School! VBS will be held every Wednesday in the month of June (June 5th, June 12th, June 19th, and June 26th)!

VBS will begin at 11:30 and end at 2pm on the above dates. Lunch will be provided for your children!

Ready to embark on the journey? Register on our events page!


What will my children learn during Vacation Bible School?


This year’s theme is the Great Jungle Journey! This June, your kids will learn about seven key events from God’s Word and the hope we have in our Savior, Jesus Christ, and His coming!

Day one is all about how God created the world as well as the events that took place in the Garden of Eden. Your kids will learn how God created the very world we live in. He also created all humans in His image, including you! Day one will also cover how sin entered into our world and the need to turn away from sin.


Day two focuses on the growing sin of humanity and God’s judgement. We will learn about Noah’s Ark, where a flood wiped out most of humanity and animals. We’ll also discover the Tower of Babel and the birth of languages in this world.


Day three focuses on our Savior, Jesus Christ. Your kids will learn about the necessity of Christ and his sacrifice on the cross, as it was and is the only way we could be truly forgiven of our sins.


Day four focuses on all things becoming new! Consummation is when all things will be complete. After Christ returns to Earth, all things will be made new. Your kids will learn about the hope we have in our Savior and his return!